Worldwide sorghum is the fifth highest-produced grain crop and fourth in India. Nutritionally it is better than rice as it contains beta-carotene, folic acid, fiber, thiamine, and riboflavin.
The author is Director, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Phaltan, Maharashtra
Worldwide sorghum is the fifth highest-produced grain crop and fourth in India. Nutritionally it is better than rice as it contains beta-carotene, folic acid, fiber, thiamine, and riboflavin.
India’s mainland is endowed with a long coastline of over 5500 km. All the areas situated near this coastline can get clean drinking water through dew condensation.
Even today the situation is no different. Most of the manufacturers make the rickshaw bodies here and fit them with imported motors, etc. from China. This is how e-rickshaw manufacturing has proliferated in India.
One of the most important things that MSS did was to get recognition for agriculture and agricultural scientists. He streamlined the recruitment process, got them government awards, and raised their status in the eyes of the government and the general public. This helped improve the morale of agricultural scientists.
In the beginning time and space were together and in equilibrium. We do not know how this equilibrium was disturbed. But once it did, time came out and space started flowing and that was the beginning of the Universe.
Too much planning brings misery because we cannot predict the forces of the future and hence have no control over them. This obviously leads us to worry about the outcome. We should therefore follow the American maxim; “We will cross the bridge when we come to it”.
By doing our jobs properly and ethically the country will progress and become great. The paradigm of development should be based on the maxim of Spirituality + Technology = Happiness. It will help us all become ethical human beings.
In Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32) Lord Krishna says that “I am the "Kal" (Mighty Time) – destroyer of the world”. Oppenheimer said “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”, and this is extensively quoted.
Ladakh is endowed with an excellent water supply through pristine rivers which flow across the land. This water can be used in the greenhouses to grow vegetables, fodder and other produce.
It seems a little strange that Sage Patanjali who was the first to enunciate the yoga principles of thought control and mind enhancement would not have included the important science of Kundalini Yoga in it. One can speculate that probably that section could have been extracted by some commentators from his sutras and made into a separate…