Venu Naturopathy


Anil K. Rajvanshi

Anil K. Rajvanshi

About Anil K. Rajvanshi

The author is  Director, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI), Phaltan, Maharashtra

More From Anil K. Rajvanshi

Bhagavad Gita and the concept of time

In the beginning time and space were together and in equilibrium. We do not know how this equilibrium was disturbed. But once it did, time came out and space started flowing and that was the beginning of the Universe.

Mantra of happiness: Live in the moment

Too much planning brings misery because we cannot predict the forces of the future and hence have no control over them. This obviously leads us to worry about the outcome. We should therefore follow the American maxim; “We will cross the bridge when we come to it”.

Reflections on India's Independence Day: Living ethically is the key to the greater good

By doing our jobs properly and ethically the country will progress and become great. The paradigm of development should be based on the maxim of Spirituality + Technology = Happiness. It will help us all become ethical human beings. 

Was Oppenheimer's Gita quote accurate?

In Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32) Lord Krishna says that “I am the "Kal" (Mighty Time) – destroyer of the world”.  Oppenheimer said “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”, and this is extensively quoted.

Challenges in Ladakh: Appropriate technology can improve standard of living

Ladakh is endowed with an excellent water supply through pristine rivers which flow across the land.  This water can be used in the greenhouses to grow vegetables, fodder and other produce.

Understanding the science of Patanjali Yoga Sutras

It seems a little strange that Sage Patanjali who was the first to enunciate the yoga principles of thought control and mind enhancement would not have included the important science of Kundalini Yoga in it. One can speculate that probably that section could have been extracted by some commentators from his sutras and made into a separate…

How India can rightly become a 'Vishwaguru'

In the past, all great thoughts from India went abroad after they were practiced in India for quite some time. Thus, there is a need for our own population to be tolerant of different shades of opinion and use technology to light up the lives of the rural poor. 

How to reduce fear in children: Encourage reading; expand mental horizons

Thus reading, listening to great stories, discussing interesting issues in schools, will help children learn to focus and will help them to reduce their fears and make them better citizens.

Need to inculcate reading habits in children in this age of audio-visual addiction

Love for book reading cannot take place overnight. All of us need to work together to make our children get into the habit of reading books. So on every occasion, we should gift books to children.

How humming can help keep mind and body healthy

If we keep our noses clean it will help us to remain healthy and happy!