M A Hossain

M A Hossain

About M A Hossain

More From M A Hossain

Is US influence in world politics declining?

The struggle that the United States has faced to garner support for the Yemen campaign illustrates its diminishing ability to rally its allies to its causes. The lack of nations willing to engage in a war for US interests signals a shift in global dynamics. Even longstanding allies, such as Israel, appear less inclined to align with US policies…

Ekushey February: Embodying a nation's zeal for its culture and heritage

The whole world now recognizes the spirit and zeal for our culture and heritage. Bangladesh's people's sacrifices will be truly appreciated and commemorated when every nation imbibes the sense to pay proper homage to their linguistic heritage.

Spreading extremism in Pakistan has ominous implications for region

Al-Qaeda's strategic plan involves aiding "persecuted" Kashmiri Muslims once their objectives in Pakistan are achieved. Shifting the jihadist threat toward Kashmir will also align with the ambitions of the Pakistani military. 

BNP's miscalculation can prove costly for party and Bangladesh

The absence of a strong opposition can potentially pave the way for the ascendancy of authoritarian, dictatorial, or undemocratic forces within the country's political sphere.