Venu Naturopathy


Allen David Simon

Allen David Simon

About Allen David Simon

More From Allen David Simon

Beyond the 2024 elections: Sustaining democracy and development in Jammu & Kashmir

While the BJP began on the backfoot as the party of Hindutva (political Hinduism) inspiring little confidence among Kashmiri Muslims, the elections provided vindication to the Modi government's Kashmir policy even in his party's defeat. It was a feat in itself to hold peaceful elections with all political parties contesting under the…

South Asian refugee crisis: Political scapegoating and interstate conflicts hinder institutional mitigation

South Asian states have steered clear of accepting formal responsibilities in addressing refugees, with only Afghanistan being a curious signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention. South Asian states have sought a more voluntary approach to taking in refugees, with…

Women beyond their Dalit identity: A feminist moment beyond caste in India

The practices of wearing vermillion on her forehead, a ‘mangalsutra’ (auspicious thread worn by married women in their husband’s name) around her neck, a ‘laal bindi’ (red dot sign that a woman is married) and changing her name to include the name and/or the surname of her patriarch. The claims of patriarchal superiority thus…

Sustaining democracy and development in Jammu & Kashmir: Looking beyond the 2024 elections

The thrust cannot simply lay on maintaining security in the region, but also a complete transformation of relations. This requires a reconciliation between the Hindus and Muslims of the region who have suffered through communal violence. The de-essentialization of religious identity is crucial in building fraternity and retaining long term…

Securitization of the South Asian refugee: Where national security trumps human security

While the South Asian states securitize, local politics has often scapegoated refugee populations, turning majority insecurities into electoral capital – a fear that refugees’ encroachment  on physical and political spaces, jobs, land, corner welfare resources meted out by the state and place undue pressures on infrastructure; acase in point…