Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (retd)

Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (retd)

About Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (retd)

The author is a former Lieutenant General of the Indian Army

More From Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (retd)

Pakistan PM’s China visit will reinforce the anti-India axis

Indian policymakers should be ready for the next phase of synchronized China-Pakistan actions to undermine India.

Biden’s putdown of Pakistan: More to it than meets the eye

The fact that the bulk of whatever aid goes to Pakistan is grabbed by the military and used for terrorism is of little consequence to the US, as is the fact that it was Pakistan that engineered the humiliating withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

Chinese disengagement in Ladakh is a small lollipop to India!

It is quite possible that the Indian side conveyed to Beijing that with China’s rigid stance on the border standoff, Prime Minister Narendra Modi may consider it difficult to attend the summit, and more importantly, a one-to-one meeting between PM Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping may not be possible unless Beijing shows some progress on…

India's weak-kneed response to Beijing's bullying sets a bad example for neighbours

We need to learn a lot from China’s foreign policy; and when our own response to China is weak-kneed, how do we expect Sri Lanka to take up cudgels with Beijing?

Is China eyeing more territory in India and Bhutan?

The visit by the Indian Army chief to Bhutan in the backdrop of China’s territorial advances in Bhutan and India have brought into focus China’s future intentions, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor

Indian policy towards China needs to change: offence is the best form of defence

During the military commanders' meeting, the Indian side asked for the PLA to move back from all the “friction points”, which is a euphemism for "intrusions" used by India to avoid acknowledging it has lost control of some 1,000 sq km of territory during the 2020 Chinese aggression. For the same reason, India keeps asking of more military-to-…

Bureaucracy is the bane of Indian security forces

It is said that Pakistan is controlled by its military while in India it is the bureaucracy that holds the politicians to ransom but has a soft corner for the police

China needs to roll back 2020 invasion and settle border issue with India

China needs to seriously think whether it wants to continue the confrontation with India or settle the border with irrevocable guarantees, writes Lt Gen P.C. Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor

India cannot be dictated by US, UK on who to trade with

With its strategic position in the Indian Ocean, India has a vital role in America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (retd.) for South Asia Monitor

After Beijing, its destination Moscow for Pakistan PM Imran Khan: Can Russia take Islamabad at its word?

Russia is well aware of how Pakistan has been facilitating the movement of ISIS cadres from Iraq-Syria into northern Afghanistan at the behest of the US, writes Lt Gen P.C. Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor