Venu Naturopathy


Dhaka moves one rank up, now fourth least liveable city

Dhaka moved one notch up in the Economist Intelligence Unit's annual ranking of most liveable cities in 2021, which has largely been shaken up by the Covid-19 pandemic

Jun 09, 2021
Dhaka city

Dhaka moved one notch up in the Economist Intelligence Unit's annual ranking of most liveable cities in 2021, which has largely been shaken up by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Auckland rose to first place, replacing Vienna, which crashed out of the top 10.

Dhaka ranked 137th among the 140 cities included in the index in 2021 -- fourth-worst in the world -- with 33.5 points. In 2019, Dhaka ranked 138th, and in 2018, 139th.

The EIU's Global Liveability Index ranks 140 cities across five broad categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.
The index is typically used by strategy consultants for driving insights on global projects, academic institutions for their research intelligence and government bodies for informing policy decisions.

Dhaka scored 55 in stability, 16.7 in healthcare, 30.8 in culture and environment, 33.3 in education and 26.8 in infrastructure.

In 2019, Dhaka scored 55 in stability, 29.2 in healthcare, 40.5 in culture and environment, 41.7 in education and 26.8 in infrastructure. In 2018, Dhaka scored 50 in stability, 29.2 in healthcare, 40.5 in culture and environment, 41.7 in education and 26.8 in infrastructure.


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