Mother Ilish Conservation Campaign implemented successfully in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's Fisheries and Livestock Ministry has implemented a comprehensive program to make the “Mother Ilish Conservation” campaign success from October 14 to November 4 this year

Nov 07, 2020

Bangladesh's Fisheries and Livestock Ministry has implemented a comprehensive program to make the “Mother Ilish Conservation” campaign success from October 14 to November 4 this year.

Under the direction of Fisheries and Livestock Minister SM Rezaul Karim and under the supervision of Fisheries and Livestock Secretary Raunak Mahmud, the officials working at the divisional, district and upazila levels of the Fisheries Department have implemented the programs, said a press release.

Along with the ministry officials, the deputy commissioners (DCs) of 36 districts, upazila nirbahi officers (UNOs) of 152 Upazilas, district and upazila executive magistrates, Naval Police, Police, Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, RAB, BGB and other voluntary organizations and individuals have played a direct role in the implementation of these programs.

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