Venu Naturopathy


Golden development opportunities for Pakistan in China

AT the recent China International Import Expo (CIIE), a Chinese-speaking Pakistani jeweller, Aqeel Ahmed Chaudhry, was very happy because the sapphires and other jewels he exhibited attracted many Chinese businessmen

Nov 23, 2020

AT the recent China International Import Expo (CIIE), a Chinese-speaking Pakistani jeweller, Aqeel Ahmed Chaudhry, was very happy because the sapphires and other jewels he exhibited attracted many Chinese businessmen. He was among many Pakistani businessmen who actively participated in this major global trade gala to explore market opportunities in China. The CIIE has successfully concluded with a cumulative intention of trade of $72.62 billion, an increase of 2.1 per cent over the previous year.

In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the third CIIE, President Xi Jinping pledged to turn the Chinese market into a market for the world, a market shared by all, and a market accessible to all, so as to bring more positive energy to the global community. President Xi’s speech fully demonstrated China’s confidence of cooperation with the international community, which arises from three aspects.

First, it comes from China’s major strategic victory in fighting the Covid-19 pande­mic. The Communist Party of China adheres to the people-centred policy and the life-first principle. From 30-hour-old babies to the elderly in the 100s, every life is fully protected.

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