Venu Naturopathy


When sunrise and sunset both appear dark 

Is the Universe designed to end one day 

Ashok Sawhny Aug 12, 2022
Bhutan, the 'world’s happiest country’, needs a peace and reconciliation process

Is the Universe designed to end one day 

Or, just the presence of Man here, 

Will the Man vs Beast vs Nature’s dance 

Be short-lived and is this all destined?


Is Co - existence all illusory, beyond doubt 


Do you have a different stance?

Would streams and rivers shed tears of joy 

When free of Man’s recklessness 

And, trees breathe a sigh of relief 

Minus the subjugation, the deforestation mess.


And, will the sands heave a sigh of relief when 

Left alone by the ravages of stormy seas, 

Homes and fields destroyed by torrential rains 

The skies angered by the Greed and Avarice, unseen 

Man’s, recently acquired fatal disease.


Nature, no friend of Man today

Its privacy, its environment, all affected 

Climate battered beyond repair, 

Nests, the homes of the feathered ones Laid low, 

As Birds migrate in great despair.


Endless wars and rising tensions, everywhere 

The need to utilize the  vast reserves of weapons 

With no place to go, Overwhelming, 

The  consequence, stark Essential to keep fighting

In the search for a  “never-truly-sought” Peace,


Gross display of a made- up, fake, 

Gravitas Machinations piled up within, 

The fallen Angel hand in hand with Man 

Obliterated, the word “sin”.


Where are we headed, folks, as Mankind 

Each one, of course, mortal, 

Not funny, not naive, worth a thought and more 

Not just a chuckle, snigger , chortle.


When Sunrise and Sunset are both gloomy 

‘Tis not easy to be full of bubble and cheer, 

Champagne makes the gloomy turn dark 

Spring like Winter, hazy and unclear!


(The author is an English and Urdu poet. He can be read at

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