Venu Naturopathy


Pakisatn forms committee to ensure SOP implementation at airports

Pakistan's Aviation Division has constituted a seven-member committee to ensure the proper implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) at airports to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Oct 19, 2020

Pakistan's Aviation Division has constituted a seven-member committee to ensure the proper implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP) at airports to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The committee comprises officials from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), airlines and Airport Security Force (ASF), Dawn news reported.

The government has already taken notice of SOP violations by a foreign airliner that took onboard a passenger who had tested positive for COVID-19 hence putting the health of other passengers along with airport personnel in danger.

The CAA imposed a fine of 100,000 PKR on the airline and it will also be responsible for all expenses incurred on testing and quarantine.

Airline operators have also been directed to ensure compliance to SOP before travel to and from Pakistan.

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