Venu Naturopathy


Pakistan's digital economy growing

The year Pakistan’s internet users crossed 90 million with a broadband penetration of 42.2pc, the government led consistent efforts to regulate the online experience of consumers

Feb 02, 2021

The year Pakistan’s internet users crossed 90 million with a broadband penetration of 42.2pc, the government led consistent efforts to regulate the online experience of consumers.

According to the annual report for 2020 released by the Pakistan Telecommuni­cation Authority (PTA), the country’s digital economy has grown enormously during the pandemic as more people are using the internet.

Broadband subscriptions showed growth trends of 17pc during FY2020, crossing the 90.1 million in Oct­ober 2020 mark whereas 4G subscriptions registered an exponential 60pc growth (FY2020). With the expansion of 3G and 4G services, FY2020 also marked an increase of 77pc in data usage.

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