India on Monday witnessed a spike of over 11,000 cases second day in a row with 325 deaths taking the total tally of Covid-19 cases to 3,32,424, Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare data revealed
India on Monday witnessed a spike of over 11,000 cases second day in a row with 325 deaths taking the total tally of Covid-19 cases to 3,32,424, Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare data revealed
The current trajectory of the spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan hinted that the cases could double by the end of June and was likely to reach 1.2 million by the end of July, a Minister said
The families of the 97 people who died in the May 22 Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) plane crash have expressed reservations about the DNA testing carried out at the Sindh Forensic DNA and Serology Laboratory (SFDL) at the University of Karachi
Pakistan has strongly condemned Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh’s delusional remarks about Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) - or what India calls Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir - and the situation in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) - Jammu & Kashmir state in India, according to a statement issued by the Foreign Office (FO) on Sunday, The Tribune reported
Nepal's Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) said the suspension period of all domestic and international commercial passenger flights has been extended till July 5
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has decided to bring the country's worst coronavirus-hit areas under lockdown aimed at checking its further spread
The national committee for tackling the coronavirus outbreak has spotted dozens of areas as red zones due to high infection and death rates
Bangladesh's stimulus packages aimed at mitigating the impact of the coronavirus pandemic are one of the highest among a selective group of countries in Asia, according to a government paper
A Bangladesh government Minister died due to the novel coronavirus, as tests conducted after his death at a hospital in Dhaka revealed he was suffering from COVID-19, officials said on Sunday
Afghanistan’s much-awaited peace talks envisaged between the government and the militant Taliban are set to be hosted by Qatar in two weeks, according to sources
New figures by security institutions reveal that 171 personnel of the Afghan National Security Forces lost their lives in clashes with the Taliban in a week, despite an unannounced ceasefire between the two sides that is part of the peace efforts by the Afghan government and its international partners
Due to a lack of equipments and an overload of applicants, the Afghan government has not been able to capacitate nationwide testing of the novel coronavirus, the acting Health Minister has said
The Afghan government has said that 89 civilians were killed in Taliban attacks in the past two weeks, it was reported
Minister of Industrial Export, Investment Promotion, Tourism and Aviation Prasanna Ranatunga today (14) said the government is considering the opening Sri Lanka’s main international airport, Bandaranaike International Airport at Katunayake before the 1st of August
The Ministry of Education plans to limit the class size to 25 students per classroom when the schools reopen which will be proceeded in four stages