Venu Naturopathy


Defence framework agreement signed between Maldives and US

A framework has been established between Maldives and the United States to develop and strengthen military and security ties between both countries

Sep 12, 2020

A framework has been established between Maldives and the United States to develop and strengthen military and security ties between both countries.

The framework agreement was signed on behalf of Maldives by Minister of Defence, Mariya Ahmed Didi. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for South and SouthEast Asia of the US government, Reid Warner signed the agreement on behalf of the US.

Minister Mariya said the framework would further enhance military and defence ties between both nations. Noting that t is in the interest of both countries to ensure the peace and stability of the Indo-pacific region and the Indian Ocean, the minister noted that the Maldives faces threats of piracy, terrorism, extremism and drug trade.

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