Venu Naturopathy


Salutes To The Women of India and the World

Rise, O Ladies and show us the way

Ashok Sawhny May 03, 2021
Salutes To The Women of India and the World

Rise, O Ladies and show us the way
We, the faltering, blundering, “Male”,  play
Lost in the stupid, lovely, perfect,”macho man” phrase
Can think of nothing but lust and power and to hold sway.

Weaker than you on every count
Brutal, savage, strength apart,
We, who look down upon you
We, who have a beating but uncaring heart.

Be the resplendent light that lights the way
Out of the present murky scene,
Where all we’ve done on land, air and sea,
Is decimate and devastate beyond repair
All that was once a glorious blue and a verdant, green.

The women of India , I salute you, I do
Me, among those naive “macho men”
From the Rani of Jhansi, to today’s Bengal tigress
(As she has been described by some tv channels)
It’s, indubitably, a ten on ten.

There’s Merkel and Harris and millions more
( Golda, Indira and Be Nazeer , Florence Nightingale, Margaret Thatcher,  R I P, )
Who at home and at work are disparaged for who they are,
Take heart, for there are millions of us who know and realize
(But slowly)
That you, for this World, are a lot better than par.

It’s a battle that make take eons, I know
But, May the Power and Mercy of God be with you, true
May he help you turn Men more “motherly”, more caring
Women, everywhere I salute you.

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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