Words that we unthinkably Utter

Remove the cobwebs from your mind

Ashok Sawhny Nov 28, 2020

Remove the cobwebs from your mind,
There are some hidden spiders there.
Rejoice and in your heart you’ll find,
The joy you look for everywhere.

The kernel is the heart of fruit,
Central to its very life;
What’s a plant without a root?
Is there peace where there’s strife?

The depth of silence is unknown,
Its uniqueness is its very core.
We only reap what we have sown,
Platitudes get us nothing more.

Flowers adorn the garden better
Than they do the human race;
Naturalness is the keyword here,
And beauty lies not in the human face.

Rain for some is manna from above,
As are tears for those aggrieved;
All of us are entitled to love,
It’s heaven to be unquestioningly believed.

Words that we unthinkingly utter,
Or do so with misplaced pride,
To those who hear are a knife through butter:
Let these watchwords be your guide.


(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at ashoksawhny06@gmail.com/ www.ashoksawhny.com)

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