Venu Naturopathy


The World in moral regress

Que Sera Sera, whatever will be

Ashok Sawhny Nov 19, 2020

Que Sera Sera, whatever will be

At the end of a full life, the mirage of Eternity,

In truth what waits is just plain dust

The inglorious end of all humanity.


Dream we can and fantasize too

A beauteous, generous, Heaven true,

Where Angels walk in step with us

Starlit nights and the skies all blue


Or, if you like you may choose pink

Green, Red or Indigo,

Maybe you’ll need to see a “shrink”

‘Cause you forgot the colour, yellow.


Foresight, hindsight, no sight

Don’t think the blind see less,

Probably more and better, and

Surely, much less of the mess


That we ourselves create

All in the name of human progress,

Not an inch of Peace anywhere, just hate

The world , sadly, in moral regress.


Fake this, fake that, fake the operative word

When was the last time anything true you heard,

Que Sera Sera , what will be will be

Said to me, a  chirping, whispering bird.


(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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