Venu Naturopathy


South Korea to provide $800,000 aid for fight against COVID-19

The South Korean government will provide $800,000 assistance to Pakistan to help the country fight COVID-19

Jul 27, 2020

The South Korean government will provide $800,000 assistance to Pakistan to help the country fight COVID-19.

South Korean Ambas­sador Kwak Sang Jyu infor­med Economic Affairs Division Secretary Noor Ahmed on Saturday that the Korean grant in shape of cash and equipment will be provided through the World Health Organisation (WHO) to support mitigation measures against COVID-19 in Pakistan.

The Korean International Coope­ration Agency (KOICA), Korea Wat­er Res­o­urces Corporation (K-Water) and KEN company. K-Water are already operating the Patrind power plant near Muzaffarabad.

Ambassador Sang Kyu lauded Pakistan’s effort to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and steps tak­en to combat locust swarms. He handed over the official communication of the grant of $800,000 for Pakistan to fight against COVID-19.

Envoy says cash, equipment will route through WHO

Secretary Ahmed informed the ambassador about the steps being taken by the government to mit­i­gate the adverse impact of COVID-19. The Ambassador hoped that the grant assistance will be instrumental in effectively containing the spread of COVID-19 and providing a relief to Pakistan healthcare sector.

He reiterated that under the Bilateral Framework Arrange­ments, the South Korean government will continue to support Pakistan in different sectors like health, information technology, energy (solar) and communication (roads). He renewed strong commitment of the government of Korea towards further strengthening and expanding bilateral economic cooperation.

Secretary Ahmed thanked the South Korean government for the continued support to Pakistan. He reiterated the resolve of the government of Pakistan to further solidify the economic cooperation between the two countries.

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