Venu Naturopathy


Photo: Khurram Shahzad

Pakistani minister Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora honored for his work on human rights and minority empowerment

As Pakistan's first Sikh representative in the Punjab Assembly in more than 60 years, Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora has continuously pushed for inclusive policies and legislative changes, serving as a ray of hope for minorities.

Of feathers, friendship and peace: A South Asian Briton finds unexpected community connection through poultry farming in London

Chickens are incredibly intuitive. They can sense your mood, your energy. And in return, they’ve taught me to slow down, to be present. In moments of stillness, my hens are calm and responsive, and in their peaceful company, I’ve learned that there’s no need to rush.

Why Muslim Americans lag behind Jewish and Hindu Americans in US public life

Public perception is arguably the biggest political obstacle Muslim Americans face. Islamophobia has fueled unfavorable preconceptions since 9/11, which has hindered Muslim candidates' ability to win widespread support. While religiously driven opposition is uncommon for Jewish and Hindu politicians, Muslim candidates frequently face allegations of being "anti-American" or "radical."

Trump's deportations could potentially scar the Indian American population, impact ties with India

The manner and time span in which the 18,000 Indians are deported can serve to embarrass the Narendra Modi government and hurt Indo-US ties. It will bring new questions for an image-sensitive government that projects India as a growth engine while an increasing number of Indians, as alleged by the US, look to settle in a foreign land. For now, India is right in asserting that it will take back deportees after verifying that they indeed are Indian citizens.


US disinclined to jeopardize India ties over alleged plot to kill Sikh separatist

It is obvious that the U.S. sees India as perhaps its most important strategic relationship not just in Asia but even globally in the context of an increasingly assertive China.

Nikki Haley: The doughy Indian American who is taking on Trump

Will American women respond to Nikki, count her as one of them, and make her the President of the USA, now or in 2028? 

'Global Indians' in the 21st century: Why Desis are the most prepared diaspora for the mad new world order

Given that Indian settlers are generally law-abiding citizens with a high focus on education and are positive contributors to the local economy they are considered a model minority group. India’s rising economic stature and the government of India’s regular engagement with the diaspora have raised the diaspora’s stock within the host nation.

GOPIO Convention 2024 to discuss opportunities for Indian diaspora in India's 'manifest future'

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) will host GOPIO 2024 Global Convention of People of Indian Origin April 26-28, 2024 at the Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey., US  The convention will focus on India’s Present and the Future and what role the Diaspora Indians can play in helping to realize this desirable future. The theme of the convention is ‘Opportunities for Diaspora Indians in India’s Big Manifest Future.’ 

Basdeo Panday, celebrated first prime minister of Indian descent in Trinidad and Tobago, dies at 90

He became the first prime minister of Indian descent since the arrival of Indians in this Caribbean nation as indentured labourers from India between 1845 and 1920.

No love lost: Toxic pathology between Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy on display in US presidential debate

If the Indian American community had any expectations of civility between Haley and Ramaswamy engendered by their shared ethnic roots, they were belied from the get-go of the presidential debates. 

US indictment will be a diplomatic tightrope walk for Indian government

The indictment is quite explosive and has significant implications for US-India relations. 

Expat Bhutanese activists appeal to UNDP to mediate reconciliation process in Bhutan

Together we are trying to draw attention to the Bhutan refugee crisis while calling for reconciliation between the Bhutanese government and the diaspora.

Canadian PM Trudeau, in a diplomatic standoff with India, caught red-faced in parliament over political manipulation

The latest incident showed how easy it is to get Canadian leaders to back questionable causes and dubious personalities in exchange for votes or other forms of support.

2024 T20 World Cup in the US: Three venues selected

The Ninth Edition of the T20 World Cup will be held from June 4 to 30, 2024 with about 55 matches distributed among the three venues.

Former US envoy to Pakistan fined $93K for illegally aiding Qatar; also had illegal contacts with Pakistani-American bizman

Olson also pleaded guilty in April last year before a Los Angeles Federal Court to receiving travel gifts from a Pakistani-American businessman.

Unique climate protest by Indian-origin man at US Open; glues feet to stadium floor

Extinction Rebellion NYC post on X social media quoted him as saying that he was horrified by the climate injustice faced by people in India who have to pay the price for the climate change caused by emissions produced by developed countries. 

United States and Nepal initiate moves for a child protection partnership

This will be the US government’s eighth CPC Partnership and the first with a South Asian nation.

Indian American scientist hoping to be first woman to jump from stratosphere

Swati Varshey has a PhD in materials science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has made over 1,200 jumps with a speciality in vertical freefall, according to

Two Indian Americans star - and clash - in Republican presidential debate

The only time India figured in the two-hour debate was when Haley rebutted Ramaswamy’s claim that climate change was a “hoax”, but said that to protect the environment “we need to start telling China and India that they have to lower their emissions” (even though an Indian’s greenhouse gas emissions are about an eighth of an American’s). Without mentioning his parent’s motherland, Ramaswamy said, “My parents came to this country with no money 40 years ago”.