Venu Naturopathy


High Council for National Reconciliation yet to start work

Two months have passed since Abdullah Abdullah and President Ashraf Ghani signed a political agreement making Abdullah the head of the High Council for National Reconciliation

Jul 15, 2020

Two months have passed since Abdullah Abdullah and President Ashraf Ghani signed a political agreement making Abdullah the head of the High Council for National Reconciliation.

But the High Council for National Reconciliation so far has not announced members--and deputies--of the peace facilitating body.

But a source close to Abdullah Abdullah has said that he will not finalize the members of the peace council unless disagreements are resolved on the appointment of new cabinet ministers, governors and the heads of the independent directorates.

“It's premature that I talk about the individuals and their numbers, but they will be from the elite part of the society whom the people trust,” said Faraidoon Khowzon, a spokesman for the High Council for National Reconciliation.

“The people have a lot of concerns, because two months have passed and the work has not started, the peace process should have been started,” said Abdul Qayoum Khairkhaw, a member of parliament.

Close sources to Abdullah have said that Babur Farahmand, Assadullah Saadati, Haji Din Mohammad and Salam Rahimi are expected to be appointed as deputies of the council.

The sources also said that Mustafa Mastoor will be appointed as head of the secretariat of the peace council and state minister on peace affairs.

“They are engaging in their internal rifts, they have brawls with the president, the politicians are working for their own interests,” said Daud Asas, a political analyst in Kabul.

“The political agreement should be implemented in a complete way,” said Shahzada Massoud, former adviser to the president.

On May 17, President Ashraf Ghani and his political rival Abdullah signed a power-sharing deal after months of political discord that critics say could have pushed the country towards a new crisis if not resolved.

Based on the agreement, Abdullah was assigned the charge to lead the High Council of National Reconciliation with executive authority and his team will have a 50 percent share in the cabinet.

The political tension emerged as a consequence of the disputed presidential election of last year, the result of which was announced in February.

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