Venu Naturopathy


Maldives condemns attempts to denigrate Islam

Maldives has condemned “aggressive and provocative rhetoric” towards Islam and the Prophet and said the country is concerned about any such attempt to paint the religion in a poor light, the statement reads without mentioning France and its president Emmanuel Macron

Oct 29, 2020

Maldives has condemned “aggressive and provocative rhetoric” towards Islam and the Prophet and said the country is concerned about any such attempt to paint the religion in a poor light, the statement reads without mentioning France and its president Emmanuel Macron. 

The statement came in the backdrop of President Emmanuel Macron’s attempts to clamp down on “Islamist separatism” in France after the beheading of a school teacher. 

The ministry said the Maldives is committed to combating “terrorism and violent extremism” but “strongly refutes” any attempt to link these to the peaceful religion of Islam.  The statement also called for exercising the freedom of expression in non-violent, unprovocative ways. 

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