The Fairies and I, ( a tete-a-tete )
Willows swaying by the riverside

Willows swaying by the riverside
Gentle breezes that storms hide,
All this and more do the waters hold
Something from the river, cried,
‘Twas a voice of great resonance
All deliberate, no perchance,
It arose from within the flow
The gurgling waters and their dance.
Little things when they get together
Take the form of stormy weather,
Nothing, then, holds back the gale
All and sundry, torn asunder.
I thought, Fairies in the waters must be
Descended from those heavenly skies,
Lo and behold! She looks at me and, in wonder
“Fairies don’t need wings”, she cries”.
We sail the rivers and the seas
We do what we always please,
We are fairies, angel-like
We even go and sit on trees.
I was getting curious now
Pretty, was the Fairy and how!
Graceful, heavenly, features she had
I stood there, in awe, with a bow!
Night falling, the stars were out
Chirping birds on their way home,
Wherever that may be for them
A Tree, a Terrace or a welcoming Dome.
Where, I asked, will you go now
Sleep can’t be in the River, surely,
You go home and rest,0 Man
Said the fairy to me.
We might go back to the heavens, you know
Back to the Eden which you deserted,
All for a bite of an Apple, we hear
While Eve you, romantically, courted.
That said, they dived, gone from view
To the bed of the River to dreams renew
Then, to meet me tomorrow same place, perhaps
When His Majesty, the Orb, from the East rises anew.
When Dawn, its phantom light displays
And, the cock crows to announce a new Day,
I shall by the Willow stand, till the stars light up the sky
And, you and I both know, Dear Reader, Why?
(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at
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