Venu Naturopathy


O, Mother

I cried like a child

Ashok Sawhny Dec 05, 2020

I cried like a child
That is lost for light,
Was it you, O mother,
In the middle of night?

Emotions welled- up
And burst through the dam,
As I saw myself
For just what I am
Your child.

Was it your voice I heard?
Was it you mother?
Who else could it be
Who other?

Were you there
Was it you?
Why do I feel
That this is true?

You came, you saw
You spoke with me,
and what I felt then
was eternity
Great serenity,

A little peace, some quiet
flowed through my tears,
And submerged forever
my little fears,

I miss you much
O mother of mine,
I, your child
Only thine:

You made me smile
as cry I did,
for deep within
your child is hid
O mother !

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at  

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