Venu Naturopathy


Yoga helps 'confidently negotiate challenges': PM Modi

In what can be seen as a subtle message in the backdrop of the recent India-China face-off, Prime Minister Narendra Modi used the International Yoga Day on Sunday to send out a message by asserting that yoga allows "emotional stability to confidently negotiate the challenges before us"

Jun 21, 2020

In what can be seen as a subtle message in the backdrop of the recent India-China face-off, Prime Minister Narendra Modi used the International Yoga Day on Sunday to send out a message by asserting that yoga allows "emotional stability to confidently negotiate the challenges before us".

"Yoga enables us to stay balanced in every situation," he said invoking Indian philosopher-saint Swami Vivekananda to say, "that a principled individual remains active and in complete peace even amid challenges".

Modi said: "Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita that yoga is but efficiency in action. This mantra always teaches us that yoga provides us strength to become more successful in life".

Modi directly touched upon the issue of the pandemic while saying that the ancient Indian meditation system has been a source of emotional strength to many during these trying times.

"Many people all over the world infected by COVID-19 are benefitting from yoga. They are getting the strength in fighting the disease. Yoga provides the self-confidence and mental strength by which we are able to face challenges and also overcome them. Yoga provides mental peace and power to endure pain," said Modi as he addressed the nation through a televised program.

He claimed worldwide many corona infected individuals are "benefitting" from yoga.

Highlighting India's contribution for universal brotherhood, PM Modi remarked that "Yoga, enhances our quest for a healthier planet. It has emerged as a force for unity and deepens bonds of humanity. It does not discriminate, it goes beyond race, colour, gender, race and nation."

However, he added, "Right eating and drinking, right play, right habits of sleeping and rising and right way of doing one's duties - Yoga is this itself," he summed up.

He again invoked ancient ideologies to state, "Nishkama Karma - serving everyone without any selfish motive - has also been called in our tradition as Karma Yoga. This Indian thought, embedded in our culture, has been experienced by the whole world whenever in need".

While, he advocated Indians to practice yoga as a part of their regular lives instead of for just a day, he made the point of making India a global beacon of solidarity was unmistakable, particularly at a time when China has been increasingly facing global isolation

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