Venu Naturopathy


Artificiality or Reality - Choose

Let the Sun fill you and your days with its rays
Let Darkness too feel its warmth and its light,

Ashok Sawhny Feb 15, 2025
Representational Photo

Let the Sun fill you and your days with its rays
Let Darkness too feel its warmth and its light,
When a happy goodbye you say to the Orb, then
Both sleep and solace will fill your night.

Made for each other is Universal
Not confined to just Humanity,
If Trees did not exhale what would we inhale
And, if Clouds did not the Sun hide
What then would Serenity be?

If Typhoons did not rip the Oceans
And, Thoughts our minds confound,
If castles and hamlets were in the skies
What then would there be on the ground

Denuded forests, Desert sand
Friends we know from the start,
Let leaves and trees alone, O Man
Before they tear you apart.

Concrete jungles are like forests
But, without feelings, insensate,
Nothing there called love and warmth
No compassion, just mutual dread and hate

For those with greater wealth and glory
The mirages of the Modern Times,
There is no let up from the final clock
That inevitably ticks away, chimes.

Will we learn the meaning of Life
Intelligently, not artificially,
Will we create a world all ‘fake”
And, forever, bury Reality.

(Ashok Sawhny is a prolific poet who has over 35 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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Spotify:   Ashok Sawhny Poetry of Life ( English)
Ashok Sawhny, Dastan -e- Zindagi ( Urdu )

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