
There is more to Manna than the Tamarisk tree

Ashok Sawhny Apr 12, 2021

There is more to Manna than the Tamarisk tree
As there is to Life than just passion and love,
Not unknown is sleeping with the enemy
And, many are the hands in that hidden glove.

Thy name, O Life, could well be Complexity
A million thoughts cross the mind, night and day,
A strange amalgam of Parsimony and Generosity
Love and Hate, Speech and Silence, line the way.

Manna for some in the Desert sands
In the billowing winds, the impending storms,
Where Camel and Man are brothers alike
Manna takes a thousand, nay, a million forms

But, the true spirit of it lies in Faith
In the belief of the existence of a Destiny,
We can make our own, but that is Hope and more
As we try and unravel the enigma of Life’s mystery.

O, only if it were not finite, Eternity within reach would be
There’d be nothing left for us to do, nor solve,
The Book of Life dull and dreary, perhaps, weary too
But, who knows, a laidback life and no need for Resolve.

Do nothing then the best thing to do
For that immortal Man, that phantom true,
O, truly eternal could sweet sleep be
What of the Soul, I have no clue.

They know better, who speak of the Soul
The wise Men closer to God’s light,
Is there more to it than there is to the Phantom of light
Or, to the simple darkness of a lonesome night.

To each his own, is the Manna supreme
Go with your nightmare or go with your dream.

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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