Venu Naturopathy


HRW expresses concern over increasing suppression of dissent in Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan government of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is waging a campaign of fear and intimidation against human rights activists, journalists, lawyers, and others challenging government policy, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report Saturday

Aug 10, 2020

The Sri Lankan government of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is waging a campaign of fear and intimidation against human rights activists, journalists, lawyers, and others challenging government policy, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report Saturday.

According to the New York-based human rights watchdog, the crackdown on dissent under the Rajapaksa administration has intensified in recent months, facilitated by the government’s highly militarized response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and has included intimidation, death threats, physical assaults, and arbitrary arrests.

The HRW noted that the President Rajapaksa’s party secured a parliamentary majority in elections on August 5, 2020 and the results increased concerns that the government will exacerbate policies that are hostile to ethnic and religious minorities and further repress those seeking justice for abuses committed during the country’s 26-year civil war, which ended in 2009.

“The United Nations and governments that have previously called for accountability for past abuses should now call on the Sri Lanka government to stop targeting those pursuing justice,” HRW said in its report.

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