Col KL Viswanathan (retd.)

Col KL Viswanathan (retd.)

About Col KL Viswanathan (retd.)

More From Col KL Viswanathan (retd.)

Is social media hijacking the narrative, impacting governance and policies?

The adverse influence of uncontrolled social media in the relations between India and Maldives is a case in point. Social media poses an existential threat to the conventional methods of conducting governance, diplomacy, and warfare. 

The inverted world of global espionage– where no one talks the walk

There is an interesting development of note in the US, which casts a shadow on free speech and political asylum in the Western world, with a direct bearing on the alleged covert intelligence operations by India in the North American continent. 

In a changing world order, international relations will be more issue-based than bloc-based

In a multipolar world, the relationships will be defined by the requirements in each separate space like security, economy, etc rather than gravitating wholesome to defined blocs.

Cutting-edge technologies are fast hurtling the world toward destruction

Any serious conversation about AI also needs to take into consideration the role of deep fake using AI to wreak havoc among society and even intruding into private spaces for monetary and other gains.

The Palestine narrative needs to change: Direct negotiations with Israel only path to peace

In general, religions have only wrought destruction over centuries and facilitated extremism in their name.