Venu Naturopathy


Zahid Aria

Zahid Aria

About Zahid Aria

The author is a Ph.D. candidate at Department of Defence and National Security Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh

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Pakistan's Afghanistan aspirations: From strategic depth to strategic despair

Given this situation, Pakistan has not only failed to secure strategic depth in Afghanistan but has instead found itself trapped in a strategic dilemma. The Taliban have not cooperated with Pakistan in neutralizing the TTP and have consistently denied the TTP’s presence in Afghanistan, despite evidence indicating the group’s activity in the…

As world abandons Afghanistan, Taliban, IS and ISK-P feed on each other to export terror

The region and the world should reconsider their policies toward Afghanistan and the Taliban. They must assist the Afghanistan people in forming a legitimate government and establish professional security forces. The Taliban are not a trustworthy partner in the fight against terrorism.

Afghanistan is a ticking time bomb that could explode any time

Afghanistan has turned into fertile ground for terrorist groups from around the world. If the flow of terrorism continues unchecked in Afghanistan, there is little doubt that the world could face another incident similar to 9/11, or perhaps something even worse. Today, Afghanistan has become a security black hole for the regional countries and…

What is drawing Iran and Taliban closer?

The Taliban has never been happy about Iran’s cultural influence in Afghanistan. When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, they rejected any cultural links between Iran and Afghanistan and ignored Iran’s interests, writes Zahid Aria for South Asia Monitor