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Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (Retd.)

Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (Retd.)

About Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (Retd.)

The author is a former Lieutenant General of the Indian Army

More From Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (Retd.)

Afghanistan's civil war is there to stay: Taming the Taliban is no easy task

US Secretary of Defense General Lloyd James Austin has said that the Afghan forces must slow the Taliban’s momentum. The question is how, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor

Nepal's regime change: Prime Minister Deuba needs to watch out for Beijing's meddling

The upheaval in Nepalese politics over the past few months has occurred following a power tussle within the ruling Communist-led dispensation despite the best efforts of Hou Yanqi, China’s ambassador to Nepal since 2018 to resolve it, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (Retd) for South Asia Monitor

Is Pakistan likely to face more US sanctions after American troops leave Afghanistan?

Pakistan fails to realize that with US troops exiting Afghanistan, Washington will no longer overlook the generation of terrorism and recruitment of child soldiers by Pakistan, especially when it is wedded to Beijing against the US, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (Retd) for South Asia Monitor 

The China factor in Iran: China-Pakistan strategic nexus should not be overlooked

Biden would do well to recall Chinese assistance to Pakistan’s nuclear program and China recently replicating Wuhan’s P-4 virology research laboratory in Pakistan, writes Lt Gen P. C. Katoch (Retd) for South Asia Monitor

US military exit from Afghanistan will be China's strategic gain

The US will realize its strategic blunder of surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban after the entire Af-Pak-Iran region comes under Chinese influence, writes Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (Retd) for South Asia Monitor

A scary future awaits Pakistan post foreign troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

But Pakistan runs the risk of its Pashtun-dominated areas joining up with the Afghan Taliban, especially since the overbearing Punjabi domination is disliked in Pakistan and Pakistan can’t possibly control the Afghan Taliban completely after foreign troops exit Afghanistan, writes Lt. Gen. Prakash Katoch (Retd) for South Asia Monitor…

Chinese land-grab in Bhutan and India: Timid responses won't work with Beijing

There have also been reports that other areas of Western Bhutan have been gradually encroached by China to secure access to the border with India, writes Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor

Whither Afghan peace? Taliban throws the gauntlet to Washington

Walking out from the US-proposed intra-Afghan talks in Turkey, Taliban has cocked a snook at Capitol Hill indicating it will commence attacking foreign troops next month, writes Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (Retd) for South Asia Monitor

China will dominate Persian Gulf through strategic pact with Iran; major implications for region

The PLA presence in Iran, which may rise, should be seen in conjunction with PLA presence in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and in the garb of civilians in development projects around the world, the Middle East and Oman included, writes Lt Gen Prakash Katoch (retd) for South Asia Monitor

China manages business as usual with India

Without complete disengagement in Ladakh, China is back as India’s topmost trading partner, writes Lt Gen Prakash Katoch for South Asia Monitor