Venu Naturopathy


The Need for A National Lockdown

Now, Now, Now

Ashok Sawhny May 03, 2021
The Need for A National Lockdown

The Need for A National Lockdown
Now, Now, Now

Let’s put our hearts and minds to work
The Election time is over,
Some in deep despair
Some who think, they’re ”in clover”.

This is no time to celebrate
Nor mourn your deep losses,
O, politicos of all hues
Remove the cobwebs and the mosses.

People are the ones who grant you power
As does God your life,
You do not assume miraculous power
Because we give you the pen and the knife.

You have no more than a limited term
Before you face us again,
You won’t get back if all you give us
Is anguish, agony and pain.

Shocking disregard for life displayed
With masses gathered to hear you,
No care for care, unmasked all
Despite the contrary being true

Every medical man crying hoarse
To awaken and see The disaster,
To no avail sadly
For, Elections were the Master.

It’s over now so let’s be clear
It’s Covid we need to battle,
No time for revenge, the people only matter
No fairy tales, no tattle.

There’ll be no GDP if there are no people
And, pitiably that will be the situation,
If you let economic numbers weigh you down,
No one understands GDP, not even those who tout it
Carrying banners into town

So, put your thinking caps on
Put guts into your brains,
Declare a national lockdown, save lives
Get only Covid stuff in planes and trains

We are a country great and large
That has seen great tragedy,
1947 for most today is a story only
Ask me, and I will tell you that history.

We will get over the present times too
But, must do so with open minds and  eyes,
If we still believe we’ ve done great job so far
We’re living in the fool’s Paradise.

Stop the bickering in Courts
And, accept the state of unhealthy affairs,
Only then will we be on the right  track
To beat the Covid “ despairs’”

Don’t please gloat over the world being with us
They all  play their own games,
I guess Man’s the same everywhere
No point taking names.

Let’s declare forthwith
A National Lockdown
Can we not see even now
Nothing else will ever ease

The tsunami that is hitting us
Let’s catch this last bus,
Time is of the essence , folks
It’s Now, Now, Now.

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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