The Call of the Wilds
Nothing brings me nearer to Thee

Nothing brings me nearer to Thee
Than the call of the wilds, I hear
The air serene, it’s all so green
What then, O Lord, do I have to fear?
No rampaging Man, with lethal desire
Misplaced the hearts inner fire,
All I see with my eyes today
Is the rising smoke from the funeral pyre.
Lust and greed dominate intent
Man bent upon destruction of Self,
Accumulation of wealth, land and the seas
How warped today the notions of power and pelf.
Lost we are in the jungles we create
Not the ones You made for Man,
Those we have burnt and savaged alive
And, torched the wilds as much as we can.
It’s a sorry state of affairs, O Lord
That You must be witnessing too,
It’s all up to You now
For, Man hasn’t the vaguest clue.
The Call of the Wilds beckons me
The Desert , the Mountain, the Rivers,
Those are places that we can call
The only, only, contentment-givers.
The roar of the Lion uncaged
The chirping of the birds in the trees,
Little helter- skelter beneath my feet
The billowing, gentle, breeze.
The Sun shining thru the leaves
The warmth greater than the hearth,
Led am I thru the forest
By, the winding, winding, path.
Nature knows better than I‘ll ever do
The true meaning of
The living of it, the meaning of it
As I sleep through the starlit night
Leaving it all to the Stars
The ones in the skies so pretty,
Not the ones I seek here
To read my palm, the lines of the hand, willy-nilly.
The Call of the Wilds
Beckons me now.
(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at
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