Venu Naturopathy


Don’t Just Dream, Live Them too

Let’s get drunk on Happiness

Ashok Sawhny May 01, 2021
Representational Photo

Let’s get drunk on Happiness
Let the heart feel the smile, let’s try,
To please not the Saqi in the Tavern
But, the “Keeper” in the sky.

Let’s try the cup that needs no wine
False happiness and tears,
The way back home lined with remorse
The heart, sadly, filled with fears.

Let’s fill the cup with hope and joy
From the little things around us,
Like chirping birds at the break of Dawn
And, whistling in the morning bus

As we go to work or to play
Intoxicated just by being alive,
Let’s feel each breath that we inhale
The rising tide within and thrive.

Let’s live each day as if the last
And, do all we can that we wish,
I hate the word prioritize
So, let’s first go wash the dish.

What do we remember most
When truly happy we are,
Birthdays, candles, holding hands
Walking barefoot on the sands

The moon above and twinkling stars
The passing of those vanishing hours,
Ask the billionaire what he thinks of
I bet, he’ll be thinking of the golf course pars.

It’s the little things, folks,
That take the weight off the mind
And, that is what you need
If it’s Happiness you wish to find.

A quiet corner to doze off in
In view just greenery,
Trying beating that with Da Vinci’s
And, you’ll be sorry you missed the scenery.

Don’t just dream your Dreams
Try live them too,
Give them colour, give them life
They, will gladly say, Thank you.

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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