Venu Naturopathy


Keep India’s morale high in this hour of crisis

What the governments need today from the politicians, critics and media are not destructive criticism, but constructive suggestions with an attitude of cooperation and support

N S Venkataraman May 02, 2021
Prime Minister Narendra Modi (File)

Those who have been tracking history over several centuries very well know that the world has been passing through painful incidents and happy tidings alternately. Neither the sad events nor the good happenings last forever. Certainly, this present crisis resulting from the massive second Covid 19 wave would too go away.

When bad events take place such as a virus as it is spreading now, what is important is that the morale of the people must be kept high and they should be fed with hopes that bright days are not far away. This is precisely what is needed now in India.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself agrees that this second Covid wave has shaken the country.

Every day, print and visual media highlight the scenes of crowded hospitals, inadequate beds for the patients, lack of oxygen and ventilators for those in need of it, and the exhausted doctors and paramedical staff, who have been working day and night. A few incidents of relatives of the dead patients attacking the medical staff have also been highlighted by the media, marking such incidents as “Breaking News”.  

Media have been repeatedly showing scenes of dead bodies waiting in the crematoriums and many bodies being burnt together. Inevitably, such excessive publicity causes distress feelings among people at large.

Some laudable developments

While such sad events are taking place, there are also several laudable developments such as volunteers and non-government organizations helping the Covid patients, industries and commercial bodies coming forward readily to donate money to set up oxygen plants etc. Many countries have realized the gravity of the situation in India and are responding to India’s needs at this critical time by rushing medical and material support.

As can be seen, amidst the distressing scenario, there are also bright spots that generate hope.

There is no doubt that the central government and all the state governments in India are doing their level best to manage the extremely difficult situation, using all the resources at their command.

Several steps have been initiated by the centre and state governments, of which the most important is the creation of more capacity for production of medicinal oxygen and distributing them to the nook and corner of India by rail, road and air as early as possible. Further, a vaccination drive has been initiated with great speed and over 140 million people have been vaccinated in a few days, which is a spectacular achievement. More steps have been initiated to further speed up the vaccination drive, clearly realising that massive vaccination  is the sure way of overcoming the second wave crisis.

Criticism eroding national morale 

However, in such a scenario, one cannot but feel distressed that some political parties, some pledged critics and sections of the media have been voicing highly critical views about the functions and performance of the government of India led by Modi as well as chief ministers of states.

Some print and visual media have thought it fit to highlight some vague views of a handful of scientists and statisticians, both from India and abroad,  that the number of people affected by the second wave in India will well exceed one million per day in the coming weeks . It is also being said without basis that the government statistics with regard to the number of dead and affected are under-reported which inevitably creates doubts in the minds of people about the reliability of the government statements.

Such comments are nothing but vague statistical estimates,  which are essentially predictions. The valiant efforts made by the governments to implement a massive vaccination programme that could effectively prevent the spread of the second wave, do not seem to have been considered by these speculators. The media highlight the unsubstantiated and exaggerated views without adequate basis prominently, without realising that such views would seriously affect the morale of the countrymen and shake their confidence in the ability of the government machinery and administration.

Negative role of media

In this hour of crisis, it is sad that some politicians, media personnel and critics have not realized the need for national solidarity to tackle the present challenging situation and the need to refrain from voicing counterproductive views and criticisms, which look like attempts to gain political score. The judiciary is also not helping, as some judges are making extremely sharp remarks against the governments, without realising the limitations posed by the ground realities.

While every possible effort is being made by the governments to tackle and overcome the crisis, the negative role played by a section of politicians and media by expressing pre-conceived  views  are weakening the steps being initiated by the authorities.

What the governments need today from the politicians, critics and media are not destructive criticism but constructive suggestions with an attitude of cooperation and support.

In such a situation, many discerning thinkers wonder whether excessive media freedom and unchecked democratic rights to express all sorts of views even without verification and proof,  are appropriate in the present condition in India. 

(The writer is a Trustee, NGO Nandini Voice for the Deprived, Chennai. Views are personal. He can be contacted at


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