Venu Naturopathy


The Candle of Hope and Faith

The Candle that carries Hope throughout the nights, dark

Ashok Sawhny May 15, 2021
The Candle of Hope and Faith

The Candle that carries Hope throughout the nights, dark
Is unmatched by the glory or the radiance of the Dawn
For, if there was no Ray of Hope, there would be no shining Sun
And , if there were no signs of the Orb, miserable would be the Morn.

Hope, like Faith, must be eternal, as long as there’s a beating heart
‘Tis only dust and dust some more, when Hope meets the ground below,
No Candle, no heart of Man or Beast, would ever resplendent be
If Hope saw nothing but the dust, how would it live and grow.

The Candle in the storm may never die with Hope alive
And yet, the gentlest of the breezes extinguishes many a flame,
If the foundation of your structure, be it Stone or eternal Hope
Is not laid well and strong ‘tis ephemeral and not lasting, as is our given name.

Hope, must burn eternally in our heart and our minds both
One or the other will not do for shadows lurk behind,
‘Tis the spectre of Doubt that matches, step by very step
All that we think and feel and all that’s in the Mind.

How fragile is the concept of the the flicker of Hope and Belief
Think, of the blind child who hears the songs of the Moon,
‘Tis only ‘cause Mother sings it, that it turns  as strong as steel
How else would “no sight” accept the worth of steel, so soon.

Don’t ever let Hope down or a “Doubting Thomas” be
You may waver if you feel so, in your Faith in the God above
For, He will understand as He knows all and everything
Your covenant is with him and it’s all about Hope, Faith and Love.

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 40 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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