Food For Thought

The arrow that without feathers, flies

Ashok Sawhny Jan 06, 2021

The arrow that without feathers, flies
Swifter than do the swiftest birds,
Lies within the confines of our eyes
More lethal than all venomous words.
With nothing spoken all is said
The darting arrow of venom and more,
Pierces hearts that fear to remember
What deadly dart its fabric, tore.

Words are empty and minus weight
The scales of the mind toss them out,
The shafts of loathe and vile hate
That the arrows carry have drowning clout

So, tarry while you speak for sure
But remember, glances pack greater punch,
It’s over things like this we should mull more 
Food for thought, please go ahead and munch.

(The author is a prolific poet who has over 30 poetry books to his credit. He can be reached at

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